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12 natural ways to reduce hair loss and restore strength and beauty

12 natural ways to reduce hair loss and restore strength and beauty

1: Onion juice

Onion juice is considered an effective natural detoxifier when added to water by half and rubbed on the scalp, left on the scalp for 15 minutes, and then washed off the hair.

2: Green tea

It is used in the same way. Mix the green tea after preparing it, add it to the same amount of water, rub it into the hair and scalp for 15 minutes, then wash it with shampoo.

3: Rosemary oil

Some natural elements can reduce hair loss
A study has proven that rosemary oil is comparable to Rogaine (minoxidil) in terms of its effect on preventing hair loss. Rub the scalp with rosemary oil for 10 or 15 minutes, then leave it overnight, in the morning the hair can be rinsed with shampoo. Rosemary oil is an effective inhibitor of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.
4: Zinc

The problem may be a zinc deficiency, as is the case with many people. However, the food richest in zinc is oysters, which you should eat several times a week. Likewise, red meat also contains zinc, so you should continue to eat it. In addition to seafood and eggs, red meat and oysters are the most rich in it.

5: Apple cider vinegar

Of course, it cannot be applied in its concentrated form to the scalp because it may burn the scalp. Rather, it must be diluted by adding a third of a cup of apple cider vinegar to a liter of water and using it to rub the scalp. Because it may help clean some pores of accumulated fat, an oily substance that may prevent follicles from growing as they should.

Apple cider vinegar gives the hair a wonderful shine, and it is also acidic, just like the scalp. Therefore, it may help to reset the pH of the scalp, and this reflects positively on supporting the benign bacteria in the scalp.

It would help if you did not exaggerate in sterilizing the outer surface of the skin, because this may lead to several problems, including hair loss. Hence the importance of limiting the chemicals to which the skin is exposed.

6: Protein and rare minerals

What if you started following the keto diet and then noticed that your hair started to fall out, what does this usually indicate?
  • Not consuming a sufficient percentage of protein is the first reason, and therefore an additional amount of protein must be consumed. Other things should also be taken into consideration, such as trace minerals, especially when following intermittent fasting or following fasting in conjunction with following the keto diet, given the severe deficiency of these minerals in food.
  • Our bodies need these rare minerals in very small quantities, but they are essential elements. Therefore, we must eat foods rich in trace minerals, such as seaweed, shellfish, or ocean fish, in addition to sea salt, which is a good source, or we can obtain these minerals from a plant-based compound product because trace minerals provide the hair with its basic needs to grow.
  • There are also some essential vitamins that we need, which are B vitamins because there is a close relationship between a deficiency of B vitamins and hair loss. Therefore you must be careful to take a sufficient percentage of these vitamins. Nutritional yeast is an excellent source of this, but be sure to get yeast that is not enriched with synthetic vitamins.

Some natural elements can reduce hair loss

7: Cabbage vegetables

The high level of estrogen in the body may affect the hair, which is why some women notice hair loss during menstruation due to excessive estrogen. Therefore, one of the natural ways to regulate estrogen levels is to eat cabbage vegetables. There is also a good way to regulate estrogen, which is to eat seaweed, as eating it gives the body iodine, one of the elements that regulate estrogen.

8: Selenium

It is one of the other home remedies to support cases of hypothyroidism because an underactive thyroid often leads to hair loss. Selenium is one of the rare minerals and supports the thyroid gland and the conversion of T4 to T3 hormones. Its best sources are Brazil nuts, seafood, and seaweed.

However, hypothyroidism may occur for other reasons not related to selenium, such as high estrogen because its excess inhibits thyroid function, or due to fatty or damaged liver because it may hinder the process of converting T4 hormones into T3.

9: Vitamin D, more sleep and exercise

Take an additional percentage of vitamin D, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly to reduce the level of stress, as stress is a major problem in maintaining healthy hair. The reason is high cortisol, which has a very destructive effect on proteins.

For those who suffer from this condition, here are some solutions:
  • Take more vitamin D by exposing yourself to the sun if possible. 
  • This isn't easy in the winter months. This vitamin has tremendous benefits for the hair and reduces stress.
  • Get more sleep.
  • Continue going for a stroll daily.
  • Continue exercising to relieve stress.

12 natural ways to reduce hair loss and restore strength and beauty

10: Silica

Silica is added to the formula of many hair supplements. Silica is what gives hair strength. Most spring water contains silica, such as Pellegrino water. As well as most other types of bottled spring water, they all contain silica, which is very beneficial for hair. When you drink it, you may notice that your skin, hair, and nails begin to grow and become stronger.

11: Follow the keto diet in addition to intermittent fasting
  • women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome, should realize that one of the biggest effects of polycystic ovary syndrome is hair loss due to the increase in androgens due to high insulin.
  • Simply understanding this relationship and lowering insulin levels also contributes to reducing androgens and preventing hair loss. This happens when following a low-carb diet (the keto diet) and intermittent fasting.
12: Biotin
  • When looking at many hair loss treatment supplements, we always find that biotin is one of their ingredients. So what is biotin?
  • Biotin strengthens the proteins in the body, especially hair, and helps regrow hair and prevent hair loss. Biotin is an essential vitamin in the B vitamin group for manufacturing proteins that give hair its strength.
  • Biotin is made by bacteria, meaning its production is in the intestines. Therefore, the loss of the microbiome (benign bacteria) causes hair loss in many people because they lack the microbes responsible for making biotin.
What is the food rich in biotin that contributes to enhancing the good bacteria that make it?
  • Sauerkraut contains a percentage of probiotics that is 100 times higher than what is contained in supplements.
  • The benign bacteria present in it can withstand and survive stomach acid.
  • It also provides the body with huge amounts of vitamin C, which is necessary to grow proteins, especially collagen and keratin.
  • Continuing to eat sauerkraut daily helps regrow the microbiome in the intestine, provides the body with vitamin C, and gives it more biotin.
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