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NASA's discovery of the paradise of existence with the James Webb Telescope

NASA's discovery of the paradise of existence beyond the edge of the universe with the James Webb Telescope

It has been confirmed that we are not alone in the universe, so how can this happen even though Earth is the only planet that has officially supported life so far? Since the universe around us contains more planets than the number of grains of sand on all the beaches of the entire planet, Earth.

Despite all this, life of all its various types exists only on planet Earth, but scientists in all the world's observatories have their eyes on the depths of the galaxies in their constant search for a rocky planet that matches Earth's paradise.

NASA's discovery of Earth-like planets that support life

A world covered in oceans of liquid water and supportive of life in any form. We could talk to them if this type of life were truly sane. Whereas 100 years ago, all of this was just a myth for the fathers and grandfathers of the same scientists currently searching for life in the depths of the universe.

They would never be able to imagine that they are so close to discovering that we are by no means alone in the universe. Some scientists believed in discovering traces of life on some planets close to Earth or even in the solar system.

Scientists discover strange cosmic worlds similar to planet Earth

How can scientists discover strange and wondrous cosmic worlds similar to planet Earth?

In the beginning, the Proxima Centauri star system, the closest star system to planet Earth, was just a dream for Einstein as he tried to prove its existence throughout his life. The worlds that are discovered that are habitable and do not revolve around the sun are called exoplanets, including the planet closest to Earth, Proxima Centauri B, at a distance of four light-years.

Although the photographing and discovery of the first exoplanet, or exoplanet, was in 2004 on the gaseous planet 2M 1207b, which is about 5 times larger than Jupiter, the idea itself first came to the human mind in the year 1600 from the Italian scientist Giordano Bruno, who believed that the universe had no center and that the sun is just one star among billions of stars in the universe. Each star has planets similar to Earth orbiting around it.

Days pass until we are certain that 5,500 exoplanets have been discovered around Earth in the depths of space. For example, planet G1407b is similar to Saturn with its dazzling rings, but the rings of this planet are approximately 600 times larger than Saturn’s rings.

Another planet is completely covered by a giant water ocean with no beginning or end, in addition to the world of rain on it, which is not water at all, but of molten glass and continues for millions of years. Single and unique worlds were discovered, without even a star orbiting them, and they are scientifically called Rouge planets or rogue planets.

The 5,500 discovered exoplanets are not a huge number compared to the Milky Way Galaxy, which is believed to contain 200 to 400 billion stars different in shape and size from the Sun. There is a belief that almost all stars contain at least one planet revolving around them that may be similar to planet Earth, and all of the 5,500 planets that have been discovered exist in this place in the galaxies around the Earth. Until this moment, approximately 400 billion planets that may contain some form of life have not been discovered.

Is there another planet in the cosmos that resembles Earth?

When observing a planet around any star in the sky through a telescope, this method is called direct imaging. Observing planets close to Earth is considered correct, such as Saturn or Jupiter in the solar system, but any attempt to monitor outer planets or exoplanets with them is considered a million times more difficult.

This is because the light of the stars around which the planets orbit is very dazzling, and the planets are thousands of times smaller in size compared to the stars, so observing them is relatively difficult. This situation would be like trying to photograph an insect that chemically illuminates the darkness with the streetlight turned off. Photography will be very difficult, but it will succeed.

In the light of the searchlight, the illuminated insect completely disappears and is drowned in a flood of light photons emanating from the searchlight. In this case, the planet is the insect, and the star that revolves around the planet is the streetlight. However, despite the difficulty of direct photography in discovering exoplanets, 69 exoplanets were discovered and photographed.

A special device is also being designed for it, called the Chronograph or Starshade, to cover the largest possible amount of starlight to monitor the planet orbiting it, knowing that the planets being monitored must be as gigantic as Jupiter and completely far away in wide orbits from the star they orbit around. For planets that are small in size and similar to planet Earth to be discovered, new methods other than direct imaging or direct photography must be discovered.

Indeed, scientists have discovered a discovery stranger than imagination, which is that when a planet revolves around a star, it moves it from its place. Instead of the planet rotating around the star, the star and the planet orbit around a hidden point between them in the depths of space, and this method is scientifically called radial velocity.

NASA's discovery of Earth-like planets that support life

What happens as a result of the planet pulling the star from its place more than once during its orbit around it is that the light of the star approaches and moves away from the eyes of the telescope on Earth. Then, when the star is far away, the light emanating from it and reaching the Earth expands and becomes closer to the color red. When the star approaches, the light contracts, and the waves are compressed more, and then it turns the color blue.

Therefore, while observing a star from among the 400 billion stars in the galaxies, we found the star’s light red and blue with a fixed frequency. This means that the star has a planet orbiting it and is relatively close to it, but in this case, the planet must be so gigantic that it affects the star’s gravity and is completely far from being the same size as Planet Earth.

In this way, we can observe planets similar to the gas giants in the solar system, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. 1,000 planets out of 5,500 exoplanets were discovered using this same method, or radial velocity. The two methods we mentioned, whether direct imaging or radial velocity, can detect giant planets around stars.

NASA's discovery of the paradise of existence beyond the edge of the universe with the James Webb Telescope

How are planets that are said to be similar to Earth or even better than our planet in supporting life in its various forms to be detected?
  • At this moment, the greatest and easiest method appears, which depends on luck 100%.
  • The planetary transit method discovers approximately 4,000 exoplanets in the depths of the universe.
  • This depends on the planet passing in front of the star at the time it is observed with telescopes, whether ground or space, which in turn blocks a small portion of the star’s light coming towards Earth.
  • If the same amount of light is blocked repeatedly for the same period, the discovery of a new planet around the star is officially announced.

From here begins an interesting moment for scientists, because with the passage of starlight from the planet’s atmosphere as it rotates in front of the observing telescope from Earth using spectroscopy, the composition of the planet’s atmosphere is determined, and then it is determined whether it contains oxygen, methane, and nitrogen like the Earth, and then it is confirmed. The presence of life on it, or at least the possibility of supporting some form of life.

  • There is a sufficient amount of technological progress to monitor the chemistry of life anywhere in the entire galaxy.
  • And once the discovery of an intelligent or even microbial civilization around us in the universe is announced, it is a matter of time.
  • But I wonder, is there a belief that the news of the announcement of the discovery of extraterrestrial life will be truly enjoyable and great, or will it be terrifying, as many scientists currently believe?
Numerous News
Numerous News
Numerous news is a blog that talks about what is new in the world of technology, health, and sports