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NASA announces a strange discovery in the history of human civilization

NASA announces a strange discovery in the history of human civilization

For the first time, 40 years after the launch of Voyager 1, the American space agency NASA announced a discovery that is the strangest and most terrifying in the history of human civilization.

What did Voyager 1 discover about Titan?

During the launch of the Voyager spacecraft to leave the borders of the solar system and begin to penetrate and enter the interstellar void in the depths of space, scientists were surprised to discover a firewall with specifications unparalleled to any fire or flame on planet Earth and with temperatures exceeding 50,000 degrees Celsius.

All the data from the Voyager spacecraft confirms that the new firewall is the first and only global barrier to any sane and intelligent civilizations that may already exist in the depths of space around new stars other than our sun.

The Voyager spacecraft began sending strange and suspicious data as if it were an attempt to communicate from within a civilization that already existed on the solar system's outskirts after they discovered the message that was sent on board the Golden Record.

We will learn in this article about the details of this message. Despite the technological progress that human civilization has achieved over time, the universe contains secrets and hidden things that do not occur to a human heart.

NASA reports on an odd finding in human civilization's history

Just a few hours ago, the American space agency NASA announced the strangest discovery of the Voyager 1 spacecraft on the outskirts of the solar system by monitoring a firewall that prevents most cosmic bodies from entering or leaving the solar system. The Voyager 1 spacecraft is currently located at a distance of 23 billion kilometers from planet Earth.

To communicate with them at this distance, the signal takes about 22 hours and six minutes to reach the spacecraft, and it takes the same time for the Voyager devices and the artificial intelligence on board to begin communicating again. Thus, Voyager 1 is the farthest spacecraft from our planet that humans have made throughout history.

The spacecraft was able to withstand the strongest magnetic fields of the planets during its cosmic journey, which is more than enough to burn out ordinary electrical circuits in just a few seconds, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Despite that, it captured the most beautiful and greatest images that are stranger than imagination.

Starting with Bell's Blue Dot picture of the planet Earth while the entire planet was in one ray of sunlight from a distance of approximately 6 billion kilometers from the planet and a picture of a volcanic eruption on the surface of Jupiter's moon Io, which contains at least about 400 active volcanoes at present time.

What did Voyager 1 discover about Titan?

In addition to the most beautiful scene of the Earth and the Moon in a cosmic dance, the greatest of its time, and finally a picture of the atmosphere of the moon Titan as it orbits around the planet Saturn, which is similar to the atmosphere of the planet Earth about 3 billion years ago, But once Voyager 1 took this picture, all the fun began.

This is because the Voyager 1 spacecraft began operating its scientific instruments after a period of stability that continued for many years until it was discovered that it was about to enter a cosmic wall of fire surrounding the entire solar system from the outside. But in the beginning, scientists were sure that the data being monitored from Voyager was completely normal for the heliosphere surrounding the sun.

This is exactly what appears to be a large bubble around the solar system from its outer edges, with the solar winds from the sun pressing on the inner surface of the bubble and the plasma and charged particles from interstellar space attempting to destroy this bubble and press on it from the outside, thus creating the bubble itself and representing a point to equalize external and internal pressure.

Which protects the solar system and all its planets, like planet Earth, from charged particles and cosmic rays that could destroy life in the blink of an eye. The place of equilibrium between internal and external pressure is called the heliopause region, where a new and strange discovery is made.

At the time of directing the scientific instruments of the Voyager spacecraft to this specific place, which is being studied directly for the first time, the scientists discovered that the temperatures suddenly shifted from negative 270 degrees Celsius to about 50,000 degrees Celsius, and at this moment the scientific environment fluctuated 180 degrees.

  • At first glance, this temperature appears as if it were the finish line of the Voyager mission, which lasted for about half a century, with the vehicle completely burning. 
  • But the surprise is that despite the terrifying temperatures, the Voyager spacecraft was estimated to pass through the firewall in mere minutes—nothing more. 
  • Still, the data monitored at the time of the passage is considered the most terrifying. In the entire history of the mission.

What did NASA discover on Voyager 1?

The official statement by the scientific team confirms that there is a terrifying increase in the number of cosmic rays and charged particles that reach this bubble over the norm, to the point that the data confirms that it has reached 10 times the amount of radiation expected in the simulation that was designed for the same area.

Thus, when the cosmic rays from outside the bubble collide with the solar winds originating from the sun from inside the bubble, this collision results in a terrible rise in temperatures, and in some areas at the level of the bubble, there is the Wall of Fire, with temperatures reaching 50,000 degrees Celsius.

How was the Voyager mission possible?

  • How was the Voyager spacecraft able to penetrate the firewall without completely vaporizing itself and eliminating the entire mission?

The answer to this question is shocking and strange at the same time, because despite the tremendous heat, the thickness of the firewall is considered equal to the thickness of the atmosphere close to the surface of the Earth, or specifically the troposphere, and therefore the time required for the Voyager spacecraft to penetrate the firewall was insufficient to heat the scientific equipment on board and destroy it for the whole mission.

Voyager 1 was even able to record the sound at the time of penetrating the firewall, but despite all this, the firewall surrounding the solar bubble or heliosphere blocks approximately 70% of the cosmic rays that are capable of destroying life on planet Earth in just a few seconds.

  • Will the discovery of the firewall end all human hopes of traveling to new stars other than our sun and remaining in the sun’s cosmic prison forever?

According to the new research paper based on monitoring data on the firewall, humans can't withstand temperatures reaching 50,000 degrees Celsius, even for a few seconds. However, despite all this, the firewall may contain some openings or cosmic gates through which it is possible to pass.

The strangest discovery of the Voyager spacecraft in the entire history of the mission

Voyager has already begun sending strange data about its location through space, or what is known scientifically as telemetric data, as if Voyager were being pulled from space towards an object while keeping the direction of its antenna directed in the direction of our planet.

Indeed, scientists began to suspect that the golden record had been found by a civilization on the outskirts of the solar system and was trying to communicate with us now, but the whole surprise was ruined by the possibility that everything that was happening now was the result of a malfunction in the transmitters of the Voyager 1 spacecraft.

Thus, the data appears and the vehicle is indeed being directed in a way that appears to be from a hidden force in the depths of space, and the puzzling mystery continues without a confirmed solution until today.

Numerous News
Numerous News
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