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Cristiano Ronaldo.The legendary football star and his amazing secrets that you have never heard about

In this article, we will learn together about things that you did not know about Cristiano Ronaldo, the most prominent of which is that he has been to prison twice in his life. It is even more strange to know the reason for his imprisonment, which is money.

This is because Ronaldo is one of the richest people in the world, but it seems that Ronaldo makes many wrong decisions. In his life, starting from his time in Madrid, let us get to know all of Ronaldo’s secrets.

Cristiano Ronaldo. Uncovering amazing secrets that you know for the first time

In 2017, when Ronaldo was preparing for the Champions League final, very bad news spread about him, and it shocked the whole world. It was revealed that Ronaldo had transferred money from 2011 until 2014 to a secret external account to avoid paying taxes, and the transferred amount reached 17 million dollars.

The star without tattoos. Cristiano Ronaldo and the hidden moments in the journey to fame

At this time, the Spanish government became very angry with Ronaldo and what he did; he had no choice but to imprison him for five years as punishment for his action or pay a sum of money, such as a fine amounting to 28 million dollars. Ronaldo learned that the Spanish government does not tolerate its right to tax at all.

Although the amount of $28 million is very large, it is not worth much in terms of his entire wealth, so Ronaldo decided to pay the fine instead of going to prison for five years, but this is nothing compared to what happened to him and the Coca-Cola Company.

The Coca-Cola Company was shocked by the collapse of its shares in global markets because of what Cristiano Ronaldo did with the company. After Portugal was playing with the Hungarian national team, there was a press conference in which Cristiano Ronaldo and the national team’s coach were sitting, and each of them had two bottles of Coca-Cola soft drink in front of them.

  • But Ronaldo did not care at all about the presence of the two bottles. Rather, he removed the two bottles from in front of him, raised the bottle of mineral water, and said in an audible voice, “Water.”
  • He indicated that water is the most important health factor for maintaining the human body, instead of carbonated water.
  • Coca-Cola lost about four billion dollars due to this crisis, but Coca-Cola could not sue Ronaldo for anything because he did not do anything illegal.

The year 2021 was considered one of the best years for Cristiano Ronaldo after he returned once again to play for the English club Manchester United, but it is said that the house he decided to live in in England was like a nightmare. He spent about 80 million dollars on this house to save all the comfort, living, and privacy he could wish for.

It is known that he needs a specific pattern of sleep and rest, as he sleeps for eight hours straight and has five naps. This means that anything that affects the nature of his sleep will be extremely harmful.

But the problem was that this house was surrounded by a large number of sheep that were making a lot of annoying noises, which did not make him able to have a peaceful sleep. After that, Cristiano Ronaldo was forced to leave this house and buy another empty house to live in.

The star without tattoos. Cristiano Ronaldo and the hidden moments in the journey to fame

Do you know why Cristiano Ronaldo did not draw any tattoos on his body?

It is natural and known that the second-best thing a football player loves after money is tattoos. Cristiano Ronaldo has made it clear that he does not draw tattoos on his body so that he will be able to donate blood at any time to help those in need because if he drew tattoos on his body, he would not be able to donate blood for several months.

Cristiano Ronaldo's eldest son is Junior, but do you know who his real mother is? To know the true story, you must go back in time to the date of July 3, 2010, as it was on this day that Cristiano Ronaldo published a post on his Facebook account.

He was saying in this post that he feels very happy after becoming a father to a boy, but in reality, he does not want to announce the identity of his real mother and that he will remain under his care, and Cristiano Ronaldo will be the guardian of his son. Then he declared that he did not want anyone to interfere in his life or the privacy of him and his son, and he wanted everyone to respect this decision.

  • Many people were trying to research this topic to find out the truth of the matter and who the character is that Cristiano Ronaldo is trying to hide from the world.
  • It is said that one day he was sitting in a cafe with some friends, and then he was able to meet this waitress, whom he admired to a very great degree.
  • So he called her and spent a good night with her, and after several months, he received a call from her telling him that she was pregnant.
  • At this time, Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to keep the matter secret before this news spread around the world, so he paid $11 million to this woman to keep her identity secret. He was responsible for the costs of caring for this child.
  • Many people were trying to respect the privacy of Cristiano Ronaldo, and some were interested in the life of his son Junior, who has great football skills like his father.
  • After returning to Manchester United again, Cristiano Ronaldo was under great pressure, and he placed a lot of blame on him if the team suffered a loss.
  • After that, Cristiano Ronaldo was able to have a relationship with Georgina, and he expected that she would give birth to twins, and many people were waiting for this thing.

But during the birth process, what was expected did not happen, as one of these children died. He said in one of his statements that he felt sad and happy at the same time, and he and his family felt a lot of sadness for this missing child.

Ronaldo. The star with amazing secrets and an extraordinary story

Returning to the past in 2009, Cristiano Ronaldo was about to go to prison again. During this period, Cristiano Ronaldo was living a very happy life, and one day he was spending the night with a girl known as Catherine, so this girl decided to go to his house to spend the night together.

  • But he did not know that this girl would cause him a lot of problems and that he might end up in prison.
  • This girl said that Cristiano Ronaldo was attacking her that night, and Cristiano Ronaldo was feeling very sad because he was being talked about a lot in various newspapers and magazines.
  • He felt very embarrassed about what was said about him among the rest of the family.
  • She even blackmailed him and was able to get $375,000 from him. After a few days, Cristiano Ronaldo was able to get rid of this crisis, but it was one of the most difficult crises in his life.
  • Speaking of the positive things in Cristiano Ronaldo’s life, do you know how many times Cristiano Ronaldo was able to win the Champions League?

Cristiano Ronaldo was able to win this tournament five times, and in 2016, he was classified as one of the best players and won the World Player of the Year award. He also donated many of the prizes he received, amounting to about 600,000 dollars, to many charities to help the poor and needy.

Although these amounts do not mean anything to Cristiano Ronaldo, they mean a lot to people in need, as it is said that he allocates a large portion of these donations to children because, when he was young, he needed help.

  • When Ronaldo was young and in his teenage years, his mother was taking care of him, and one day she noticed that he was breathing strangely and that his heartbeat was accelerating.
  • Cristiano Ronaldo did not feel that he needed to see a doctor at that time, but his mother was worried about him, and when they visited the doctor, the doctor said that her son would be exposed to death soon.
  • He said that he needed surgery, but that the results of this operation would not be guaranteed and that the doctors would do their best.
  • Fortunately, the operation was completed successfully, and Cristiano Ronaldo recovered from the disease he complained about.
  • Another distinctive thing about Cristiano Ronaldo is that he stated that he did not drink alcohol throughout his life, but he said that he rarely drank champagne when celebrating with his friends a victory.

Also, Cristiano Ronaldo does this not only for his health but also because of his father, who was in the war in Angola and saw many difficulties during this period, and therefore his father turned to alcoholism until he became a severe alcoholic. Cristiano Ronaldo also stated that he was not able to talk much or get close to his father, who died at the age of 52 due to cirrhosis of the liver due to his heavy addiction to alcohol.

Numerous News
Numerous News
Numerous news is a blog that talks about what is new in the world of technology, health, and sports