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Breaking News. James Webb Telescope Validates NASA's Confirmation of Alien Life on Planet K2-18b

Breaking News. James Webb Telescope Validates NASA's Confirmation of Alien Life on Planet K2-18b

Just a few hours ago, the discovery of life on a planet other than Earth was officially announced, as life was discovered on the planet K2 18b using the James Webb telescope. This news turned the world around when the scientific team leader, scientist Nikku Madhusudhan from the University of Cambridge, announced the discovery of the first alien life in history.

The strangest thing is that the scientist Nikku is 100% certain that the discovery began by directing the James Webb telescope a few days ago toward the planet K2-18b, which was discovered about four months ago. Still, suddenly, the James Webb telescope discovered that the planet’s atmosphere contains methane, carbon, and oxygen.

.The James Webb Telescope Unveils NASA's Groundbreaking Confirmation of Extraterrestrial Life on Planet K2-18b

In addition, the greatest element of life, called dimethyl sulfide, or DMS, is produced only from microorganisms on planet Earth, and there is no natural or artificial alternative in the entire universe until this moment.

  • From then on, the world, according to what he said, requested permission from NASA to use the James Webb telescope, cancel all the monitoring goals that were planned, and focus entirely on the planet K2-18b.
  • For the first time, NASA agreed to scientist Nikku's request, and the James Webb Telescope was directed to the planet for an entire month.
  • James Webb discovers data that confirms for the first time in history that life exists on the planet, and the scientific team announces the discovery of what no eye has seen and no danger to a human heart, and all of this and more we will learn together today in this article.
  • What is currently happening in the scientific community around the world is happening for the first time in history, and scientists are about to officially announce that life is not limited only to the planet Earth.
  • Every word is from the statement of the scientific team leader, who broke his silence for the first time and decided to acknowledge the strangest statement.
  • The scientist Nikku, the discoverer of the planet K2-18b, announced about four months ago, in just a few hours, that he had discovered life on the same planet and that it was even stronger and better than life on our planet.

Beyond Borders. The James Webb Telescope Unveils NASA's Groundbreaking Confirmation of Extraterrestrial Life on Planet K2-18b

Does this mean that the planet supports life more than our planet already?

According to scientist Nikku's statement, planet K2-18b is indeed a giant water paradise with specifications that we discover in the universe for the first time. The planet K2 18b is a Hycean planet, or a planet from the giant oceanic worlds, and the red dwarf star, or Red Dwarf, orbits around it in the life-supporting zone, or Goldie lock zone.

In this way, liquid water was able to completely cover the planet, and according to new data, this water is an exact copy of the Earth’s oceans, But what is strange about the planet and what has emerged since the time of discovery is that the atmosphere was thought to be composed only of hydrogen gas, but the James Webb Telescope estimate that it detects of Hours that all of this data is completely wrong.

  • The planet currently contains carbon, methane, and dimethyl sulfide, or by its scientific name, DMS, and the chemical elements that you just heard are the basis of its origin and life on planet Earth for millions of years.
  • But the scientist Niku requested permission from NASA and full powers to use the James Webb telescope for a full month so the surprise was that NASA agreed to the request after submitting the initial monitoring data that the scientist had already obtained.
  • Indeed, results have confirmed that planet K2-18b supports life better than Earth.
  • The James Webb Telescope was able to confirm that the planet's atmosphere contains carbon in the form of carbon compounds such as carbon dioxide and methane.
  • At the same time, James Wapp even estimated that he discovered the elixir of life by monitoring dimethyl sulfide.

Exploring New Horizons. James Webb Telescope Confirms NASA's Exciting Discovery of Alien Life on Planet K2-18b

Why is this compound, in particular, called the elixir of life?

The compound dimethyl sulfide is produced only by microorganisms in the oceans and giant bodies of water, and the most organisms that can produce this compound are phytoplankton, which can convert carbon dioxide gas In the atmosphere, especially adjacent to the surface of the oceans to compounds carbon suitable for consumption by marine organisms.

This is because it contains chlorophyll, which needs sunlight to flourish and live, and therefore the phytoplankton is important for maintaining the stability of the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the planet K2-18b or even on the planet Earth.

Indeed, if there are marine organisms in the oceans of planet K2-18b, phytoplankton will be their main food, exactly like the Earth’s oceans, and at that time the elixir of life, dimethyl sulfide, will be produced in the planet's atmosphere as confirmed evidence of the presence of life on it.

The discovery is just the beginning because the James Webb Telescope discovered that the planet K2-18b, for the first time, contains a negligible percentage of ammonia, which is against the emergence of life on the planet. Thus, all conditions are available for the existence of aquatic life in the oceans of the planet K2-18b.

  • Starting from the presence of the planet in the life-supporting zone, or Goldie lock zone, around a red dwarf star that lives for billions of years.
  • In addition, this same star, unlike other stars of the same type, is considered relatively quiet and does not emit high stellar winds.
  • Finally, there are elements of life, such as carbon, water vapor, dimethyl sulfide, and methane, and the planet is completely free of ammonia.

Unlocking the Universe. James Webb Telescope Confirms NASA's Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life on Planet K2-18b

What type of organisms can live in the water oceans on the planet K2- 18b?

The scientist Nikku answered this question with a strange and suspicious answer that life on the planet K2-18b may be completely similar to the forms of life on planet Earth, starting from single-celled organisms to the most complex marine creatures such as octopuses and jellyfish.

But the greatest possibility is for simple and uncomplicated organisms because the percentage of dimethyl sulfide is estimated at three times its percentage on planet Earth, and at the same time the only organisms that can produce this type are phytoplankton.

  • Although the percentage of oxygen, water vapor, and even methane gas is widespread on the planet, their percentage does not support the presence of giant living organisms in the oceans on the planet to a large extent.
  • But at the same time, these proportions confirm that there is a source of heat on the planet that supports life in the depths of the oceans.
  • Something like the hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the Earth’s oceans can provide heat and some chemical compounds that support the existence of simple, uncomplicated life.
Is it so that at a distance of 120 light-years from planet Earth, there is officially life on the planet K2-18b?

According to scientist Nikku, there is currently aquatic life on the planet K2-18b in its giant oceans. For the scientific community around the world to support the words of the scientist Nikku and announce a giant discovery of this size, it must be confirmed for months, not just one month of observation with the James Webb Telescope.

Indeed, the new data must be reviewed and compared to thousands of planets that have already been discovered before, and this is before an event is officially announced that will completely change the form of life on Earth but rather manipulate constants that have been stable for hundreds of years.

  • Our galaxy alone contains about 400 billion stars of different sizes and temperatures, and if each star revolves around only one planet, we have about 400 billion planets.
  • If we assume that just 1% of these planets are similar to Earth, then we will have at least about a million planets similar to our planet with the same cosmic conditions, whether in terms of their distance from the star or even in the conditions for supporting it for all forms of life.
  • Therefore, merely acknowledging that the Earth is the only planet supporting life in the vast universe extending for billions of light-years is the biggest mistake our simple human minds can think of.
  • Therefore, the scientist Nikku renewed his hope once again in finding a cosmic oasis for life in the universe other than the Earth, with creatures that literally no eye has seen and which have never occurred to a human heart.
Numerous News
Numerous News
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