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NBA Stars' Salaries for the 2023–2024 Season. Who's making the big bucks?

NBA Stars' Salaries for the 2023–2024 Season. Who's making the big bucks?

In 2001, Shaquille O'Neal performed one of the most legendary performances in the history of the NBA, one of the performances that cannot be repeated, to the point where he received the highest salary in the entire league.

  • At this time, he was receiving 17 million dollars in salary. At this moment, if we put him on the salary scale of the players, there would be 97 players whose salaries were higher than his.
  • What is the salary of the top ten? Today, in this article, we will talk about the ten players who receive the most NBA salaries and whether they deserve these salaries or whether they do not deserve all this money that is paid to them.
  • The tenth-placed and seventh-placed receive the same salary, which is approximately forty-five million and 600,000. We will start with the least person I consider among these four to deserve this amount from the most person among them.
Tenth place

Paul George is one of the best players, whether offensively or defensively. His game is excellent, but we must mention that Paul George is the second-best player on the team. In the last two years, he has had injuries. 

2023–2024 NBA Salaries. How Much Will the Top Stars Earn?

I do not expect that he deserves this much, much higher number, although the thing that changed him in 2021 was something very extraordinary, and I expect that he deserves an amount less than this amount, especially when we see the three names that are with them.

Ninth place

Andre Miller, the Blazers' superstar, is one of the best players offensively, but defensively, he is not a help but rather the team's weak point. Their movement is not the best in the league, although it certainly deserves this amount, meaning 45 million and 600 thousand, which they deserve.

  • The team leader is strong enough to bear the difficulties he faces in managing the Blazers. He should have left even a long time ago, but he endured and continued with this team.
  • Regardless of the team he plays for, he certainly deserves this amount and will be a tremendous addition to any team, even with this salary.

2023–2024 NBA Salaries. How Much Will the Top Stars Earn?

Eighth place

Kawhi Leonard also has the same salary: 45 million and 600 thousand. Certainly, Kawhi, when he is in good health, will be nominated for the Clippers championship, and when Kawhi and Paul George are playing, he will be the first candidate for the championship, whoever the competitor is.

But at the same time, Kawhi Leonard will not play since 2021. He suffered injuries last year. He played two games in the playoffs, and if his performance was very impressive, Kawhi, this amount is well deserved.

Seventh place

Giannis Antetokounmpo, last year, was eliminated in the first round with the Milwaukee Bucks, and he is one of the best defensive players due to his large size and huge body. He is the person who deserves a lot more than sixth place.

Sixth place

It is not normal for a player like Bradley Beal to take between $46 million and $750 thousand. He takes more than Giannis, Kawai, Paul George, and Jimmy Butler, as the amount is very large, and he is the only player in the league who has the right to choose the team he wants to play with. He was with Washington at the time he took this contract.

Fifth place

Year 2022, MVP Award, second place, Joel Embiid certainly deserves this award as a talent, but as a leader, no, and as a decisive player, no. He can never lead his team, even though he has excellent team players, including James Harden, who is one of the best playmakers in the league.

He has a wonderful team defensively and offensively, and he is a wonderful player. I don't know what will happen to this team when he is 29 years old, so he must take the championship. He will not be the best championship player on a team that takes the championship, so he does not deserve all this large sum, taking 46 million and 900 thousand.

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Fourth place

The best player in the league is Nikola Jokic, and his salary is $47 million and $600 thousand. The third-place player also receives the same wage, but the fourth-place player is the best in the league. 

The MVP finalist won the championship two years ago, and some people say that he deserves to take the MVP in a row, but the league does not give it three times after each other.

The third place
  • The best player in this matter has been in the league for twenty years. There is no need for anyone to talk a lot about, LeBron James, who is perhaps the favorite player of most players currently in the league.
  • LeBron James receives this salary not for his game currently, as there are ten or fifteen players currently better than him, but from a media standpoint, the Lakers are the largest club in the entire league, and it must certainly have the best player in the league currently.
  • LeBron James is 21 years old and the league's all-time top scorer, having won four titles and ten finals. He certainly deserves this salary.
The Second place
  • Kevin Durant received a salary of $49 million and $650,000 for three years. He was not the best player, as throughout his career, every year he suffered injuries or the team did not feel comfortable with him.
  • Last year, he was not accustomed to the players, so for Kevin Laurent this year, I will say he deserves it because he is still in the next year.
  • I expect the last chance from the fans who love Kevin Durant, and it will be a sign against him if he does not reach the NBA final.
  • Or is it possible to lose him in Game 7, the division final, against a super team? We must see the legendary Kevin Laurent because he is a Top Ten player.
First place
  • Stephen Curry receives a salary of 51 million and 900 thousand dollars. He is the best player without a table and won four championships and six finals in the tournament in 2022.
  • He is the only player who has become the most popular player with one team in the league. He is certainly a fan favorite, and if he asks for double this amount, they should give it to him.
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